Jan 22, 2021
Alan Myers, CPA
Monetary System - Friend Or Foe

Monetary System - Friend Or Foe (Monetary System - National Debt)

by Alan Myers, CPA

Alan Myers is a local CPA & forensic accountant. For 8 years, he has dedicated himself to researching, studying & analyzing the Federal Reserve System, banking & national debt. He is a writer, speaker & radio commentator on these & related topics. The national monetary system is the most powerful system in our country because everything in our country is connected to it. Unfortunately, this system does not work in favor of the citizens. Alan brings detailed information regarding monetary system problems & a simple, doable Call To Action. He has over 25 years of experience in providing accounting, tax & litigation support for Bankruptcy Trustees and civil litigators. He specializes in analyzing the financial condition & financial affairs of bankruptcy debtors & parties in litigation.
More information: None
Contact: amcpa53@gmail.com, tel: 858-755-9639